Organizing My Life: Part One (New Series)
Monday, July 28, 2014So when I think of an idea for a blog post, I create a draft with just the title so it reminds me to write the rest of the post and publish during that same week. It's like my own little to-do list right in Blogger. "Organizing My Life: Part One" has been typed into my draft post for about 4 days now. A lot has happened in those 4 days.
Last Friday, I was rummaging through my apartment when I noticed that I collect things. Not too many things, but enough things to make me want to run away into a big open field because I have too many hairsprays. what? i wanted to try them all. they're all different, okay? *whips hair around* *walks away* At the very moment that I realized I need to purge some of my "oh i think i need this. i'll need it later" things, I opened up my laptop and jotted down "Organize My Life: Part One" thinking it was a great way to help others who may have the same problem.
But then we decided to move. We made this decision yesterday. I have 5 days to pack up my entire apartment. Granted, I have the help of a big, hunky man (he wanted me to say that) but still. Stressful doesn't even cover it.
So I'm going to keep this post titled "Organizing My Life: Part One" because I will literally be packing and organizing my life over the next couple of weeks. However, it's going to have a different spin on it. I'm not going to make posts about how beautifully I pack a box because, well, you'd be horrified to see how I pack a box. this fits, that fits, okay this fits too *can't close box*
In the midst of all this chaos, I did realize one thing so far: one room at a time.
By packing one room at a time (and starting with things that I can live without for a week), you're able to see the progress. Progress makes me happy. It's kind of like instant satisfaction. This is why I hate online shopping because I want it - and I want it now! If I were to go around and pack little things from every room at the same time, it almost feels like nothing is getting accomplished. And again - want it. now.
Another small tip that made my packing the bathroom last night a little less stressful and more acceptable is to bring my iPad or laptop and put on some music, my favorite show, or a YouTube video. It helps distract me from going through hairspray bottles.
I'll be updating you on my progress throughout the next couple of weeks as well as showing you how we choose to decorate the new place! It has actual grass we can step on. Can you believe it?!
What are your tips for moving last minute?
Carson Elaine