Wednesday, August 13, 2014
I'm a realist. I tend to look at situations logically and analyze things (too much). I am just as much a realist as I am an optimist. I look for the positive side of situations and I am really turned off by negativity. I look at life as a blessing and am actively grateful for every single day.
There are times when I lay in bed at night and think, "I'm so lucky to have this blanket over me to keep me warm. There are so many people that are not fortunate enough to even have that". I clutch it a little tighter and think, "thank you".
There are days at work when things get really stressful and overwhelming. Does it affect me sometimes? Yes. Does it make me ungrateful for being employed full time? No.
I am always looking at the brighter side. If I'm feeling particularly negative, I remind myself that I am lucky to be alive, lucky to be experiencing, and lucky for the opportunity to learn and grow.
So if you're feeling down today, look up. Take in the fresh air. You will get through whatever is in front of you today.
Just a little food for thought. I felt like I needed to get that off my chest.
I have a few reviews coming up so keep an eye out for those, love you guys.
Carson Elaine